Five-minute Friday: On distance.


One of my favorite quotes is this by Henry David Thoreau: “Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.”

My heart knows the truth of the statement.

Distance is my most loyal companion. I can’t recall how it chose me, but never a day goes by when I am not aware of its presence; it’s daunting, haunting, heart-aching presence.

I hate it. I hate the way it rudely bursts through the door of my heart and invites loneliness in. I hate the way it walks so faithfully by my side at the most inconvenient times. It never leaves, always forsakes, and forces me to be patient though it is never kind.

Distance makes my heart ache in ways I didn’t know a heart could ache. Waiting; longing; more waiting. So many miles between my heart and the hearts who hold her.

I dream of a day when distance is a memory instead of this heart-aching reality. Though I know I will always have friends all over the world, maybe someday they won’t all be so far away.


(Prompt from Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama.)

8 thoughts on “Five-minute Friday: On distance.

  1. I’m sorry distance keeps your heart sad. but God never leaves, never forsakes, never fails. I pray that your last statement becomes reality sooner rather than later.


  2. Wow! We think alike, Hannah! I was thinking about that constant companionship of distance for my five-minute post today. I loved your phrase “how it rudely bursts through the door of my heart and invites loneliness in” – you captured exactly how it makes me feel. Thank you.


  3. I completely understand. I’m always partially afraid of doing something new in someplace new, because I know that my heart is going to be stretch and pulled and settled in yet another corner of the world. Distance. I understand completely.


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